Professional Contributions



2016 – ongoing Editorial Board Journal of Computer and System Sciences

2004 – 2016 Associate Editor of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences

2008 – ongoing Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Algorithms 

2011   Guest Editor (with F. Fomin and G. Gutin) of Special Issue “Parameterized Complexity of Discrete Optimization” of the journal Discrete Optimization, 2011.

2008   Guest Editor (with R. Downey and M. Langston) of a double special issue of The Computer Journal (Volumes 1 and 3) with 17 survey papers on various areas of parameterized algorithms and complexity.

Review Panel for the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. One of three theoretical computer scientists from outside India invited to serve, 2009. Reviewer for fifteen national science agencies.

Alexander von Humboldt Representative for the Northern Territory, Australia

Program Committees

DMTCS 2002, FST-TCS 2002, COCOON 2003, WADS 2003, CATS 2003, ACSW 2003, CATS 2004, ACSW 2004, WG 2004, IWPEC 2004 (Co-Chair), MFCS 2005, ACSW 2005, IWPEC 2006, WG 2008, COCOA 2008, FAW 2008, ICYCS 2008 (Co-Chair), ALENEX 2009, IWPEC 2009, TAMC 2009, FAW 2009, COMSOC 2010, IWOCA 2010, LATA 2010, IPEC 2010, TAMC 2012, APEX 2012, MFCS 2012, FAW-AAIM 2013 (Co-Chair), LATA 2013, APEX 2013, IPEC 2013, LATA 2014, AAIM 2014, LATA2016, IWOCA2017.

Invited talks. I am invited to chair Open Problem Sessions and be Speaker at most Parameterized Complexity workshops/conf/schools and other conferences and invited research visits, more invitations than I can accept. I give many short courses during research visits. I am plenary speaker at 3 – 5 events annually.

Organization of scientific meetings.  I am committed to a big picture of Science — and this research stance, in addition to my scholarly excellence, has brought me to positions of responsibility and leadership in Steering committees, and the organization of workshops bringing PC into new areas such as Cognitive Science, Not-About-Graphs, Approximation, Data Reduction and Kernelization, and others.

  • International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation series (IPEC) the leading forum on parameterized and exact algorithms, was planned with a precursor workshop at IMSc Chennai, co-organized with Venkatesh Raman and Frances Rosamond, 2000. Rod Downey and I Co-chaired the first IWPEC, part of ALGO 2004. The 12th IPEC will take place in 2017, also part of ALGO.  I am on the Steering or Program Committee for most of the series.
  • First Idaho Office of Naval Research Workshop on Software Research, Conference Chair, June 1989.
  • Second Idaho Office of Naval Research Workshop on Software Research, Conference Chair, June 1990.
  • STOC ’92 Victoria, BC, Canada. Conference Chair, May 1992.
  • I co-organized the first Dagstuhl seminar in the field, Seminar 01311: Parameterized Complexity, with Rod Downey, Rolf Niedermeier, Peter Rossmanith, August 2001. There have been 26 related seminars since then. I have officially co-organized Seminar 03311: Fixed Parameterized Algorithms, Co-organizers Michael Hallett, Naomi Nishimura, Rolf Niedermeier, July 2003 and Seminar 12241: Data Reduction and Problem Kernels, Co-organizers Jiong Guo, Dániel Marx, Saket Saurabh, June 2012, and unofficially assisted with many others.
  • Workshop on Structural Aspects of Parameterized Complexity, in conjunction with FST-TCS 2002, Kanpur, India, Co-organizer Venkatesh Raman, December 2002.
  • Using Parameterized Complexity Analysis in Cognitive Science, workshop with Iris van Rooij, Moritz Muller, Frances Rosamond, Amsterdam 2010.
  • Parameterized Complexity: Not-About-Graphs (NAG) Workshop series was inaugurated in Darwin, Australia with Frances Rosamond, 2011. I have co-chaired NAG at the German Technical University, Oman, with Rudolf Fleischer, August 2013 and at IMSC, Chennai, with Saket Saurabh, Dec 2014.
  • Parameterized Complexity – Multivariate Complexity Analysis Tutorial at the Computing: Australasian Theory Symposium: CATS (ACSW Week), Chair, Melbourne 2012.
  • Applications of Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity with G. Gutin, co-located ICALP, July 2012.
  • AMS Special Session: Mathematical Underpinnings of Multivariate Complexity Theory and Algorithm Design, Frontiers and the Field of Incrementalization, with Downey, A.Nerode, F. Rosamond, 2013.
  • 2nd Workshop on Parameterized Complexity of Computational Reasoning (PCCR), part of FLoC 2014, Vienna, Co-organizer with Stefan Szeider, Serge Gaspers, July 2014.
  • Bertinoro Workshop: Frontiers and Connections between Parametrization and Approximation, Co-organizers Hadas Shachnai, Klaus Jansen, Vangelis Paschos, May 2014.
  • BIRS Institute 15w5118: Approximation Algorithms and Parameterized Complexity, Co-organizers H. Shachnai, K. Jansen, R. Solis-Oba, Banff, November 2015.